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Home > POS > Brink > Software > Creating New Team Members in Brink POS - CHECKLIST
Creating New Team Members in Brink POS - CHECKLIST
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Request:  New hourly AND / OR salary Team Member(s) need a Brink Login so that they can clock in and use the Brink POS Terminal. 



  • For the Hiring Manager:
    • An Active Brink Login needed for hiring manager. 


  • For the Team Member to be added
    • must be successfully onboarded in Talent Reef
    • must have all required info added into Compeat Workforce, as you'll need this info for the next steps.
      • First, Last name
      • Birthdate 
      • Hire Date
      • POS Code and POS export filled out in Workforce under Labor > Employees > Entities and Jobs tab



This is the short-form explanation for adding new Employees into the Brink Admin Portal.  For a longer explanation of what each field is for and why, view this article:




The following fields in Brink need to match EXACTLY the info in Compeat Workforce:


  • Brink First Name = Compeat First Name
  • Brink Last Name = Compeat Last Name (the Middle Name in Compeat is not needed in Brink)
  • Brink Payroll ID = Compeat POS Code (found on the Entities and Jobs Screen)




  1. Log in to Brink POS Admin Portal
  2. On the left side toolbar: Configuration > Settings Editor
  3. You’ll be taken to the Settings Editor screen, where you’ll be able to make changes to your location. 
  4. From the top-left drop down menu, select the location where the new Brink Team Member will be logging in. 
  5. On the left side toolbar: Select Employees > Add New Employee
  6. Enter First Name [Compeat First Name]
  7. Enter Last Name  [Compeat Last Name]
  8. Display Name =  [First Name, Last Name]


Next, we’ll go through each of the tabs on the Add Employee Screen.



Team Member PIN


  • You have to set up a PIN for each team member for them to access Clocking In in the Terminal.


Changing the PIN


  1. Select “Change”
  2. New PIN = Their Clock in Number [Match the Compeat POS Code]
  3. Confirm = Reenter PIN
  4. OK
  5. Card Number = Leave Blank
  6. Notes = Leave Blank


Once you’ve changed the PIN


  1. Select the “Override Job Login” checkbox. 
  2. Select “Can Login With PIN”



Leave all fields blank.  These are all found in Compeat. No need to have them in Brink.



Leave all fields blank. Fresh Kitchen does not assign specific discounts to individual team members.



  1. Click - Add Employee Job
  2. Select Desired Job from Drop-down
  3. Select Security Level
    1. Cashiers get Cashier level
    2. Shift Leaders get Shit Leader Level
    3. BOH jobs, Line servers, Olo stations …. get Clock in Only Level
  4. Pay rate – Enter pay rate for that job
  5. Repeat steps 1-5 for every job needed adding for this employee



You’ll only see the locations you have access to.  No action needed. 



All Permissions in this tab should be left unchecked unless the new team member is a salary Employee with Manager Functions needed



  1. Enter birth Date – this is used to track breaks for underage team members

  2. Hire date – copy from compeat

  3. Term date – leave blank

  4. Health card date – leave blank

  5. Payroll ID – [Compeat POS Code – must match exactly]

  6. External ID - [Compeat POS Code – must match exactly]

  7. Marital Status – leave blank

  8. Tax withholding – leave blank

  9. Export to Payroll – CHECK THIS BOX


Once all the above tabs are filled out properly, Click OK from the bottom right.  You are now ready to Publish.



Once you Select OK after filling in all appropriate data, you’ll be taken back to the Settings Editor screen.


  1. Select PUBLISH from the top toolbar
  2. In the popup “Publish Changeset” Box:
  3. Write a short title of what was changed:
    1. Title Example:  New Team Member – Mickey Mouse
  4. Select OK



Publishing your new team member is now complete.


Your Team Member changes are now published and are now live on the POS Terminal, and they’ll be able to log in and clock in. 



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