Feb 23, 2023
Terminal freezes when editing / adjusting tips.
- Login access to Brink terminals at the location with the issue.
- Login access to Brink admin portal, with visibility to view orders.
- Original conditions of the order in question:
- Order ID of the order
- Original terminal of the order
- Employee logged in at the time the order was started and closed
- Employee the order was assigned to (if the order was a delivery)
- Which checkout (drawer and time of day) the order was rang in from
- Editing tips must be done on the original terminal the CC was charged.
- Editing tips must be done on the original checkout the CC was charged.
- Editing tips must be done by the original team member logged in at the time the CC was charged. (even on a public drawer)
- If the order was assigned to a driver, the driver must be clocked in with an open drawer (not checked out)
- Gather requirements and conditions of the order.
- If you do not know the requirements as listed above:
- look up the order and get the Order ID.
- look up the order in the Brink Admin Portal.
- All Conditions of the order should be listed in the Order Audit
- Using the employee log in that originally rang the order, Log into the Brink Terminal that the order was originally started on.
- If the order IS a delivery order, make sure the driver that the order was assigned to is clocked in and that any of their checkout from earlier is
- If the order was from earlier in the day and already checked out, (whether in-store or delivery) delete the checkout it was rang in from prior to adjusting the tips on the order.
- Once all the conditions of the original order are met/recreated, try to Adjust the Tips.
- If you are still having issues, and this is an "In-store" order (not from catering delivery or pickup) you can choose to delete the whole transaction and start again as long as you have the original credit card information. To do this:
- Reopen the order
- delete the whole order, by deleting the original payment, and then deleting all items.
- Close the empty order by selecting "PAY / CLOSE"
- If this is an "In-store" order, Click "NEW ORDER" from the top left to start fresh.
- Re-ring the whole order.
- Re-charge the Credit Card, applying the appropriate tip this time
- If you are still having issues, and this is a "Delivery" or "Pickup" order, please submit a tech ticket, as there might be a need for us to contact 24x7 directly to fix.