May 30, 2023
Critical:30 Minutes to respond: 2 hours to resolve
- All mobile order delivery down – cannot take mobile orders
- All POS systems down in the restaurant – cannot take orders in the restaurant
- All printers down and KDS down - cannot display any orders taken
- All Fusion Prep IPads will not print
- KDSs are down or printers down and routing to printers not working
- Online Order Item has been 86d, but the item can still be ordered online
- Polling is not working for labor
High: 60 Minutes to respond: 24 hours to resolve
- One of the terminals is down
- Network is down but can take orders
- Gift Cards are not working
- Credit Card Processing is not working, but can still use credit cards to take orders
- KDSs are down or printers down, but not all
- Some Fusion Prep iPad will not print
- Password resets (requests)
- Payroll Issues
- POS Error Messages
- Unable to transmit order (order food)
- Missing button needed to ring in a current menu item (not newly requested item)
- Incorrect food costs
Medium: 24 hours to respond: 1 week to solve
- A Printer is down, but it re-routes to another location
Low: 24 hours to respond: 2 weeks to solve
- Color printers are only printing in black