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Home > Back Office > Finance / Labor / Scheduling > (Culinary) How add items to the Order Guide in Compeat
(Culinary) How add items to the Order Guide in Compeat
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Level 2


Request: Regional or MP requests item(s) added the order guide.



  • Vendor
  • Vendor item Code
  • Unit Size/Quantity
  • Description of item
  • Inventory Location
  • Inventory Type
  • Restaurant where product will be located
  • Price (optional)



  1. Log into Compeat Advantage application.
    Note: The software should be installed on your workstation
  2. Click Inventory > New Item Wizard
  3. Enter the item Description (name of item)
  4. Enter the item Level 1 Type (item category)
    • Note: Level 1 is required. Level 2 and Level 3 are optional.
  5. Click Next >
  6. Select the Inventory Unit from dropdown. 

    Note: If the Inventory Unit type is not available, click here for how to create the unit of measurement.
  7. Enter the Purchase Units information
    • Container: Choose the container type from the dropdown
    • Inv Unit per Container (how many in each container)
    • Inventory Units (will auto-populate)
    • Purchase Unit (will auto-populate)
  8. Click Next >
  9. Select Location from dropdown
  10. Click Next >
  11. Click Next >  again (No Station)
  12. Enter Restaurant Specific Vendor Information
    • Vendor Info
      • Vendor
      • Vendor items code
      • Purchase Unit
      • Pur. Unit Cost (Optional)
  13. Click Finish
    • If finished, click I'm Finished
    • To add another item, click I want to create another new item.



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