Dec 21, 2022
Request: Team member wishes to be transferred from one FK University location to another. This happens if a team member gets assigned to the incorrect location, or is transferred to another location.
IMPORTANT : Regional managers all have access to transfer any of their team to whichever location they need to. This should not be a service request that is performed by IT.
Requirements: Shared by the requester in the ticket submitted
- New location name for transfer
- Region of new location
- Regional manager's name
- Open the ticket submitted for this request
- Click Reply
- Click +Cc on the right of the header (If currently no one is copied) or Cc to the left of the header (if currently someone is copied)
- Enter the regional manager's name into the ticket CC.
- Copy into the body of the ticket the following and fill in the brackets with the requirements: "Hi [regional manager's name], please assist [requestor's name] with reassigning them to [new location] in FK University."
- Click Add Reply.
- Change the status to Pending Validation.